I have just tried making my own cottage cheese and happy to say it's a winner and oh so easy to make. I used Maas (African name) Amasi (Afrikaans name) or for those people who do not know, it's simply fermented milk! Total cost for a 250ml container R8.00 including extras that I added.
Use whatever quantity you want - I used the 500ml container... to test with. Place it in a Muslim cloth - or sheeting, something where the liquid and drip out of. Tie up and hang over a basin to collect the liquid. If you use a 2 litre container hang for 2 days, 500ml hang for 1 day. And there you have it.
Use to make cheese cake or add herbs and seasoning to taste. For mine I add crushed fresh garlic and chilli and salt to taste. One could add pestos etc, it really is up to you. For a creamer cottage cheese simply add a little cream.
This keeps for days in the fridge!!